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Christian theologian, apologist and scholar  >  >  >  >  >

Dr. Joe Mulvihill

Dr. William Lane Craig

“I hope those in authority understand what a
blessing Joe Mulvihill is to any institution to which he renders his services, a great scholar and friend…”

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Dr. Mulvihill is a Christian theologian, apologist and scholar who equips students to anticipate, defend and articulate Christian truths in adversarial environments. Dr. Joe Mulvihill has spent nearly two decades working in higher education and has been asked to speak to thousands in a multiplicity of church venues. He has also been asked to deliver talks on many campuses (Ga. Tech Univ., Univ. of Central Florida, Ga. State Univ. Kennesaw St. Univ., FL. Southwestern Univ., Lee Univ.) on a range of apologetics issues for various campus ministries. Joe served for three years as the academic dean of the Florida School of Discipleship.


Joe has been able to connect the church congregants and his former students to some of the best Christian scholars in the world (some of whom are his personal friends), either in person or electronically like; Dr. Craig Keener, Dr. Jeremiah Johnston, Dr. Wave Nunnally, Dr. Terry Cross, Dr. Paul Copan, Dr. David Wood, William J. Federer, J. Steven Miller, Dr. JP Moreland, to name a few beyond those mentioned.


Joe was an assistant for years to Dr. William Lane Craig and has had the privilege of working with Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. Michael Licona. Dr. Licona comments; “Joe has excellent communication skills and depth of knowledge of his topic. Joe’s dissertation ended up being of great quality and contributed to the field. Dr. Mulvihill’s present position is one having great responsibility, training missionaries, pastors, and students in evangelism, Christian apologetics, and discipleship for a large denomination. When mentioning Dr. Mulvihill’s strengths, I would be remiss if I neglected to mention two very important qualities. I have observed him showing humility and warmth to everyone with whom he comes into contact.”


Dr. William Lane Craig comments; “I had the pleasure of attending a few of Joe’s teaching sessions for my Defenders class and was duly impressed with his evident preparation, clear articulation of the issues, enthusiasm, and ability to connect with an audience of mature Christians given to critical inquiry.” Dr. Mulvihill has a Masters in Theological Studies from Lee University and a Ph.D. in New Testament Studies from Northwest University and is published. Mulvihill is currently a pastor at First Assembly Church in Ft. Myers, FL. At his current post, Dr. Joe trains, counsels, preaches and ministers to thousands of people in SW Florida connected in various ways to the church. Dr. Joe has really appreciated both the campus ministry as well as the missionary intensive apologetic training assignments in his current job on pastoral staff at the church.

Dr. joe

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What do you enjoy most about your work?

I enjoy revealing the bypassed or suppressed side of reality in which Christian theism is a robust and successful worldview. I love seeing young people flourish as they live out their faith in a way that is both ancient and perpetually contemporary. Probably the highest existential satisfaction is achieved when I see students and believers incorporate, share and teach/pass on what they have to others.

How did your education prepare you for your career?

I was teaching in my last year at Lee university as a Masters student and got recruited out of the program to work at a prestigious academy in north GA. After distinguishing myself there, the campus
opportunities opened up, followed by the church teaching/speaking opportunities. Most crucially, Lee’s Masters in Theology program taught me to always exert great effort and contextualize the work when offered to recipients as a sacrifice to God on behalf of those that are giving you their valuable attention and time. If anyone is
going to allow someone to - even marginally - influence their eternal destiny, then there is no higher calling to which one is called.

What has been your most rewarding professional experience?

Teaching for Christian philosopher William Lane Craig in Atlanta was quite exhilarating. Bill’s handlers broadcast it live from Bill’s uber-successful website ( and the responses from hundreds (with thousands watching) was humbling and encouraging. Getting to preach the main service from the pulpit at First Assembly in October of 2016 and May of 2016 was really exciting as well. These sermons are simulcast to television, internet and radio as pastor Dan Betzer’s ministry is world renown. The responses locally as well as nationally were exceedingly positive and

How do you incorporate your faith in your work? How are you making an impact for Christ on the job?

I am a pastor on staff at a “pillar” church in the Assemblies of God (based on number and record amounts of giving to foreign missions). I was brought to this successful church to train the missionaries and church planters sent from this
place. To that end, my team has offered what I consider to be some of the best training available for anyone from layman to prep for vocational ministry. I provide an oft overlooked aspect of loving God with the mind (Matt. 22) as one prepares to do the work of evangelism.

In your opinion, what are the benefits of a Christian education?

The major benefit of Christian education is to reconnect contemporary Christians with the vital history of
our tradition that includes offering all of ourselves in service to God. To understand that discipleship is neither passive nor consumerist. Finally, to put information into us for the Holy Spirit to draw upon to give to others in specific contexts in the future. Christians need to move away from the three-step; saved, sanctified, mission trip – DONE – model of Christian implementation.

What are your personal interests outside work?

I enjoy reading books on nearly all subjects (science, history, philosophy, Christian discipleship, atheism, agnosticism, psychology, neurology, et al), I enjoy tennis, volleyball, football, basketball, ultimate frisbee, et al. I enjoy paintball, motorcycle/dirtbike riding, some video games and video technology.

What inspires your work and ministry?

A love of God through Jesus Christ and a desire to see brothers and sisters not simply maintain but flourish exponentially as they mature in Christ. I also want to make the best use of my limited time here to the
create a better world for the four greatest blessings in my life; Ethan, Ella, Anna and Magnus. (my children)

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